When you have small children in your home, you need to be aware of safety concerns that are lurking. Products such as your window blinds in Weston, FL, can pose a safety concern for children if you do not take the necessary precautions to protect them from the hazards they present. Keep these tips in mind to keep your young children safe around your window blinds.

  • Keep cords out of reach: The cords of your window blinds, can pose a threat to children if they are left exposed or within reach of a small child. Children can get tangled up in the blind cords, and they present a choking hazard if you are not careful. Keep the cords of your window blinds out of the reach of small children and never place furniture or items they can crawl up on near your window blind cords. This can give them easy access to the cords and cause an accident to occur that could easily be prevented.
  • Shorten long cords: If you have long cords on your window blinds in Weston, FL, a simple way to keep your children safe is to roll these cords up and secure them with string or a rubber band. This will prevent them from being a choking hazard and keep them out of the reach of your children’s curious hands. Be sure your child can’t reach these cords and untie them. This will ensure your blinds are safely installed and working to prevent child safety accidents.
  • Switch to cordless styles: One of the easiest ways to enjoy window blinds and ensure your children are safe is to install cordless blinds. These blinds come with motorization that allows you to open and close the slates by using a remote control. You never have to worry about hanging cords that could create a hazard. Plus, it is easy to keep a remote on a high surface away from your child’s reach. Cordless blinds are offered as an option with virtually every blind style that you choose. The cost is a little more, but it will be well worth the investment to keep your child safe and prevent an accident from occurring that could be devastating.

Your current home window blinds in Weston, FL, can be made safer with these easy tricks. It is always a good idea to keep an eye on children near blinds and keep all hanging cords up and out of their reach. When you choose to replace your blinds, consider going with a cordless option that offers more safety for your little one while still giving you plenty of function and style. Look to Open House Interiors when you are in the market to replace your window blinds. We offer a wide collection of colors, textures, and styles to suit your home’s décor. Contact Open House Interiors by visiting our website at www.openhouseinteriorsinc.com or calling (954) 533-7445.

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